In August 1961, a daring East German soldier defied orders to aid a young boy's escape across the newly built Berlin Wall.

In August 1961, a daring East German soldier defied orders to aid a young boy's escape across the newly built Berlin Wall.

 The picture capturing this act likely dates back to when the wall was first erected. The boy was caught on the wrong side, separated from his parents who were in West Berlin visiting relatives.

Despite the stern commands of the East German government prohibiting passage, the soldier chose to help the boy cross the barbed wire to rejoin his family. 

As this moment was captured, his superior reportedly noticed him, leading to his removal from the unit. His fate remains unknown.

Speculation ranges from him possibly being reassigned away from the wall if fortunate, to serving a prison sentence for insubordination if not. 

It is unlikely he was executed, as capital punishment was generally reserved for those guilty of high treason.


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